Indian Ayurveda in Munich
Kerala Ayurveda & Panchakarma

Definition of health in Ayurveda
“समदोष सअमाग्निश्च समदातुमलक्रिया: प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमन: स्वस्त एत्यभिधीयतै”
Susruta Samhita Sutrastanam 16/44
“Healthy is the one whose Doshas (constitutional elements), metabolic processes, physical body and excretory processes are in an ideal dynamic equilibrium and whose spirit, mind and senses are in a pleasant harmonious state.”
Ayurveda is traditional Indian Medicine. The word Ayurveda means the “Science of Life”. It is a compilation of ancient Indian medical knowledge that dates back to Vedic times.
Health in Ayurveda is a fully functional dynamic balance of the three constitution elements (Doshas), Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This balance is affected by environmental factors, changes in lifestyle, age as well as by diseases.
Ayurveda recommends herbal preparations and external treatments along with lifestyle and dietary changes to reinstate a health equilibrium. Ayurveda also focuses on preventive healthcare and is a way of life. Panchakarma treatments that remove toxins and metabolic wastes from the body is a unique feature of Ayurveda.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ayurveda?
The word Ayurveda means Science of Life. Ayurveda is traditional Indian medicine which dates back to Vedic times. Ayurveda defines health as a functional equilibrium of Doshas (Constitutional Elements). Ayurvedic texts recommend lifestyle and dietary patterns based on one’s constitution to maintain this balance. Also, curative treatments intended to bring the body’s elements back to equilibrium are part of classical Ayurveda. In India, Ayurveda is a complete medical system relied on by millions of patients for their everyday healthcare needs.
Is Ayurveda suitable for European / German patients? Is it only relevant in India?
Principles of Ayurveda apply equally all over the world. One could even argue that it works better in Europe where the four seasons are clearly distinguished unlike in tropical regions where the difference in temperature throughout the year is nominal. This differences in temperature and seasons affect the equilibrium of the Doshas (constitutional elements) and create health issues. Preventive and therapeutic aspects of Ayurveda could be used to address these imbalances.
Is Ayurveda a scientific medical system? Can I use Ayurveda to treat my health issues?
Ayurveda is a scientific healthcare system and a way of living. Ayurvedic practises are time tested over centuries. It suggests dietary and lifestyle solutions to maintain good health and therapeutic procedures to treat diseases. it is a full-fledged system of medicine that millions of Indians rely upon for their healthcare needs. Unfortunately, Ayurveda in Europe is often limited to some wellness massages and cosmetic procedures.
To determine whether Ayurveda can help with your health issues, please make an appointment for a detailed consultation at our Praxis.
What is Prakriti (Constitution)?
Ayurveda has defined three Doshas (constitutional elements), Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each individual has all three Doshas but in varying levels. This in turn decides their physical and mental characteristics. Prakriti is this fundamental balance of Doshas that is unique to each individual.
A variety of factors could affect this balance which beyond a threshold could result in diseases. In our Ayurveda consultation, we assess your Prakriti and suggest suitable lifestyle and dietary habits helpful in maintaining the Dosha balance and good health.
What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma literally means 5 procedures. They are purification procedures intended to relieve the body of accumulated toxins and other disease-causing elements. The five procedures are emesis, purgation, enema, nasal medication and bloodletting therapy. These procedures should be done only after detailed preparatory procedures and only under the supervision of qualified Ayurveda specialists.
How can a healthy person benefit from Ayurveda?
Ayurveda focuses equally on preventive as well as curative health care. Ayurveda defines health as a functional equilibrium of the Doshas (constitutional elements). An experienced Ayurveda consultant can suggest appropriate lifestyle and dietary practises as well as massages and other treatments to maintain this healthy equilibrium.
Is Ayurveda for all age groups?
Ayurveda is the science of life. It has no age limits. Ayurvedic texts suggests ways to maintain an individual's health from the time of consumption till one’s last moments.
What is the difference between Ayurveda in India and in Germany?
Ayurveda in India is a state approved full-fledged medical system like modern medicine. It has its own graduate and post graduate as well as doctoral studies and universities especially for Ayurveda. Ayurveda Doctors have to register at the Medical Council to be able to practise independently. The state funds Ayurveda education as well as hospitals and clinics. Insurances also cover Ayurveda treatments. Millions of Indians rely upon Ayurveda for everyday health care requirements.
In Germany there are no similar unified state defined standards in education or practise of Ayurveda. There is no central register either. Practically anyone can claim to be an Ayurveda expert. Often Ayurveda is marketed as some oil massages or as a wellness system. It is also often mixed up with spirituality or esoteric practises. The real therapeutic aspect of Ayurveda is only slowly evolving in Germany.
What is Ayurvedic food?
Ayurveda suggests that one should according to his /her constitution, Dosha status, level of digestive power (Agni), age, strength, physical activity and the seasons. An experienced Ayurveda specialist could design a personalised diet plan based on these factors. Usually while undergoing Ayurveda treatments light, easy to digest food is preferred as the body is concentrating its energies on healing and recovery.
Is non-vegetarian food prohibited in Ayurveda?
No. There is no blanket ban on non-vegetarian food. Nutrition in Ayurveda is decided based on one's constitution, current Dosha balance, level of digestive power (Agni), age, strength, physical activity and the seasons.
Ayurveda textbooks describe the qualities of different types of meat and fish and suggest methods to cook them while discussing food items. There are also therapeutic preparations where meat or animal products are an ingredient. So, one can safely infer that there is no blanket ban on non-vegetarian food for healthy individuals. One's nutritional requirements and metabolic capability should be taken into account while opting for non-vegetarian food though.
Digestion of food is a process that also consumes energy. When someone is sick, the body is trying to focus its energies on the healing process and often the appetite is low. That explains the use of predominantly light, easy to digest vegetarian diet during Ayurveda treatments.
Is alcohol prohibited in Ayurveda?
No. Ayurveda does not prohibit anything completely or endorse anything without limits. There are descriptions in classic Ayurveda texts about different types of alcohol and methods of consuming alcohol according to the seasons and Dosha status. There are Ayurvedic preparations that also contain alcohol. That leads one to the conclusion that there is no blanket ban on alcohol.